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Entering Retreatment Data

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Retreatments are kept as individual treatments and can be analyzed separately (as well as part of the initial treatment) Up to 4 treatments -1 initial and 3 retreatments- can be entered per eye. To file a retreatment click on the * box next to the OD / OS button on the data entry form.



The * box will change and display a '2' for second treatment (or 3 for 3rd treatment) of the same eye. A new treatment number will be suggested ending with a '-2' or '-3' for second and 3rd treatments.




If a re-treatment is selected the follow up data area is marked red. Datagraph-med will automatically copy the last follow up data and refraction values of the previous treatment. The follow up interval labels ('month' column) start again from the date of follow up.




Retreatments can be analyzed separately, as part of the initial treatment (= initial + touch up's) or together with initial treatments. See 'filter graphs' for more details.